Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Make guns harder to get

To the Editor in today's NY Times:

Two more mass shootings, more lives destroyed, and we are back to asking why. We can look into every possible reason for any one of us to go crazy, get a gun and shoot. 

We can look into grievances, mental health and whatever else can cause one of the 300-plus million of us to do such an act — or we can just make guns harder to get.

I don’t know, but the latter seems easier and more likely to succeed.

George Loisos
Alameda, Calif.

Coming Soon: The AR-15 for Kids


He took another look

From Victor Navasky's Obituary in today's NY Times:
“I think it was Walter Cronkite who used to end his nightly newscasts by saying, ‘That’s the way it is.’ Well, I wanted to put out a magazine which would say: ‘That’s not the way it is at all. Let’s take another look.’”

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Birds of a feather....

Republican thug Donald Trump and pals.

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