Trump: Appeasing Russia is US policy
Andrew Harnik (Getty Images) |
Vladimir Putin has had Donald Trump's number since Helsinki: Putin understood right away that Trump was a windbag and a hollow man he could dominate. Even as a businessman, he wasn't very good, to put it mildly.
Trump has always posed as a strong leader, but in reality, as Putin immediately understood, he's a weakling. That's increasingly obvious to everyone except those delusional souls in the Republican Party's political base.
I suspect even many of those "deplorables," as Hillary accurately described them in days of yore, will abandon Trump as he ruins the US economy and alienates our traditional allies around the world.
Meanwhile, for the next four years, we're fucked.
The only question now: How much permanent damage will he and his contemptible political party do to the country?
Labels: History, Radcal Right, Russia, The Repugnant Party, Trump