Fact-free free speech: Stephen Willis likes it
Yes, H. Brown speaks freely, but his free speech is also free of facts.
And you don't explain why our political situation merits being elevated to national significance. After all, Feinstein and Pelosi are dealing with a national Republican administration that controls all three branches of government. SF is governed by Democrats and, in a few cases, Greens. As a Democrat, yes, I think Feinstein, Pelosi, and Newsom would be fine "picking up the pieces after Bush goes down." You can throw in Hillary, too, for that matter; I'll vote for her for president in 2008. Of course Bush isn't going to "go down" until his term is up in 2008, leftist fantasies about impeachment notwithstanding. Don't forget that the Green Party is permanently mired in leftist fringe mode, as a glance at their SF website will show. Note that convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal is one of their deep thinkers on foreign policy.
Yes, H. Brown speaks freely, but his free speech is also free of facts.
And you don't explain why our political situation merits being elevated to national significance. After all, Feinstein and Pelosi are dealing with a national Republican administration that controls all three branches of government. SF is governed by Democrats and, in a few cases, Greens. As a Democrat, yes, I think Feinstein, Pelosi, and Newsom would be fine "picking up the pieces after Bush goes down." You can throw in Hillary, too, for that matter; I'll vote for her for president in 2008. Of course Bush isn't going to "go down" until his term is up in 2008, leftist fantasies about impeachment notwithstanding. Don't forget that the Green Party is permanently mired in leftist fringe mode, as a glance at their SF website will show. Note that convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal is one of their deep thinkers on foreign policy.
Rob Anderson
From: Stephen Willis
From: Stephen Willis
To: SF Active Greens <active@sfgreens.org
Cc: SFBIKE LIST sfbike@lists.riseup.net
Subject: h. brown on the Parking Garage Mafia
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006
Free Speech Comes in Many Forms - This One is h. Brown's (X-rated: not suggested for minors or the weak-hearted.) The microcosm of San Francisco politics which h. brown describes in the following commentary is representative of our national politics, and just as illustrative of our failed and corrupt two party system. There is nothing in the Constitution establishing parties. Read about powerful Republicans funding and pulling the strings of the Democratic Party machine. Feinstein, Pelosi, and Newsom: Are these the Democrats you want picking up the pieces after Bush goes down? Yuck. Stuart Sunshine was the front man in the attempted theft (PRIVATIZATION) of the Transbay Transit Terminal in Willie Brown's FAILED 1994 scheme to move the regional transit hub to First and Beale Streets. There was a time when muckrakers tore into corrupt politicians with glee, knowing that they represented the Fourth Estate, the free press. I want to share this piece with you, just to illustrate what free speech looks like up close. It's not always pleasant, and it may not be pretty. But then, neither is the truth. Enjoy. And laugh if you can. I did.
*Watching City Hall #438 (3-2-06)* *Cabal Parking Monopoly Surges Forward -** (Wells Fargo forces grab Latino garage)* * * http://sfbulldog.com/hBrown/ SFSM 2005 Sunshine Data Request Related Correspondence Pursuant to BOS Resolution #040684 P: 415-387-7405 F: 415-387-5904 E: mail@csrsf.com W: http://www.csrsf.com/ 110b441.jpg
"Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now." - ~ Goethe (1749-1832)
Labels: Gavin Newsom, H. Brown, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Right and Left, Willie Brown