Friday, December 11, 2009

Bay Bridge bike/pedestrian path study

Dear Mr. Anderson,

Thank you for contacting us. In April, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) approved an 18-month, $1.1m study that will address the retrofitting of the West Span with a bicycle/pedestrian path. Adding a facility of that magnitude to an existing suspension bridge is a challenge, we are all looking forward to the outcome of the study. Please continue to visit for the most recent information about the Bay Bridge Seismic Retrofit Projects.

Best Regards,

Heather Rowe

Public Information Office
San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
Seismic Safety Retrofit Projects
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009
Subject: Contact form results

What's the status of the study commissioned early this year to look at the feasibility of putting a bike lane on the west span? Is the study finished? If so can I get a copy?

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SF Weekly supports graffiti/tagging vandalism

Fred Noland for the SF Weekly

The differences between the Bay Guardian and the SF Weekly aren't political; they're purely commercial. Both weeklies, for example, support the bicycle fantasy, and both support graffiti/tagging vandalism. The vandals themselves should thank the Guardian for supporting them as early as 2005, when Tim Redmond opined that defacing public and private property is merely "unauthorized public art."

Or maybe former District 5 Supervisor Matt Gonzalez should get that honor, since he had a so-called artist deface his office walls in City Hall way back in December, 2004.

But in the current edition the SF Weekly is catching up with its support disguised as concern about the cost of fighting this form of vandalism.

I still think we should consider the Singapore Solution---for a six-month trial, say---which I bet would put a quick end to this "progressive" art genre.

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