Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vote to leave Masonic alone: NOPNA's survey

You can participate in NOPNA's survey on Masonic Avenue and vote against plans to "calm" that important city North/South street. The city is preparing to screw up traffic for the thousands of people who use it every day (more than 32,000 vehicles a day, and 12,000 people ride the #43 bus every day) on behalf of the bike people. The Bicycle Coalition has wanted to screw up Masonic for years, and, unless public pressure prevents it, they will finally succeed this year.

The city's own studies show that Masonic Ave. isn't dangerous for anyone.

You can also send your objections to Javad Mirabdal, the MTA guy in charge of the city's plan to screw up traffic on Masonic:
