Thursday, June 20, 2024

JFK Movie: A Meeting with X (1991)

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Vision Zero and bikes

The Antiplanner tries to understand the increase in cycling fatalities:

Almost every major city in the country has adopted some sort of vision zero plan. Yet those cities have seen nearly all of the increase in bicycle fatalities and fatalities in general. Vision zero isn’t working and may even be responsible for part of the increase. Traffic safety advocates and bicycle advocates should work together to design safety plans that rely on actual data and not suppositions.

As I've pointed out, Vision Zero is slogan, not a realistic safety policy. The reality: riding a bike is intrinsically dangerous. Something goes wrong while riding a bike, and the cyclist gets hurt. More people on bikes means more people will get hurt.

See also How to use city streets.

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The Dixie Chicks: Shut Up and Sing? (2007)


Trump unhinged

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