Monday, July 16, 2018

Hillary warned us

Thanks to democratic underground.

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Injection sites: A political test for Mayor Breed

Photo: Darryl Dyck, Associated Press

From Matier & Ross in this morning's Chronicle:

There’s a reason San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced that she is opening a model of a safe injection center in the Tenderloin: She’s been warned by the city attorney that opening a real injection site, where drug users can shoot up under supervision, could get her in hot water with the federal government.

According to City Hall sources, City Attorney Dennis Herrera had confidentially advised her predecessor, former Mayor Mark Farrell, and members of the the Board of Supervisors that they could be held criminally liable under federal drug statutes if they attempted to move ahead with the injection centers — that was a red flag warning not to proceed...

Mayor Breed shouldn't fall for this bullshit. If it was up to lawyers, no one would get out of bed in the morning just to avoid liability. 

There are 329 employees---almost all lawyers---in the City Attorney's office and 331 employees---almost all lawyers---in the District Attorney's office. 

If the Trump administration threatens the city on the issue, tell Herrera and Gascon to get ready to litigate! While the litigation is going on, get on with opening injection sites.

The injection site issue is an early political test for Breed to show she's serious, and, while she's at it, stand up to the Trump administration.

It also overlaps with the homeless issue, since many of the homeless die on city streets every year from drug overdoses.

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Rob Rogers

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