Monday, February 10, 2014

New timeline for Warriors' project


A few weeks ago we alerted you to a meeting where the Warriors were planning on presenting their massive waterfront development plans to the Middle Polk Neighborhood Association on February 17. We just received word that the Warriors have cancelled their presentation to the Middle Polk Neighborhood Association

According to the neighborhood group: “There will be no speaker for the proposed Warriors waterfront development. The project has been put on hold by the developers and they chose not to speak to us at this time.”

While it may seem heartening to read “the project has been put on hold,” on February 3 Warriors President Rick Welts announced at the Pier 30-32 Citizens Advisory Committee that the proposed development projects will only be delayed by one year and the Warriors are still moving full steam ahead to plop their 12-story high arena, shopping mall and luxury high rise condo building on the San Francisco waterfront. Their new goal is to have the development completed by 2018.

In fact, the Warriors have accelerated their timeline and hope to have the proposed project approved by government and regulatory bodies next year. To see their new timeline please click here. As former San Francisco Mayor Art Agnos says “This is the largest project attempting to be built in the shortest amount of time in the history of San Francisco.”

We will continue to closely monitor the new timeline and alert you when action may be required.

The media has run numerous articles about the Warriors new proposed waterfront arena opening date of 2018. One article of note was published in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat on February 5, 2014, by Lowell Cohn (Warriors don't need a new San Francisco arena). From the article:

San Franciscans noticed the arena wasn't the entire deal. There would be a hotel tower. There would be a condominium tower. That's a lot of towers. Those towers also would ruin views for residents. In addition to basketball, this always was about real estate and development and Lacob-Guber making a lot of dough.

Rob's note: Readers should check out the Field of Schemes blog that is skeptical of stadium deals.

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