Friday, June 24, 2022

With Roe, religious crackpots are just beginning

Washington Post

The Washington Post: Justice Thomas's threat:

Justice Clarence Thomas suggested he and his colleagues “should reconsider” the court’s past rulings codifying rights to contraception access, same-sex marriage and even same-sex relationships. The three liberal justices raised this prospect in their dissent, writing that “no one should be confident that this majority is done with its work.”

See also A Sunday sermon by Christopher Hitchens, and Science versus religion.

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Hugh McElhenny

I became a 49er fan as a kid in the early 1950s because my father, who played football in high school, was a fan. McElhenny was my favorite (click on the photo caption to see how he ran.)

McElhenny was part of a great Niner backfield: Quarterback Y.A. Tittle, halfback John Henry Johnson, and fullback Joe Perry.

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