To BeyondChron, the Pentagon is the enemy
Beyond Chron on JROTC:
The JROTC troops will also be there to support Ma's AB 223, which would have the state legislature require San Francisco to keep the JROTC program in our schools, a clear violation of every precedent about local control of education. Should Ma's bill become law, San Francisco will be the only city in the country that is required by law to hand over its 14 and 15 year old students to the Pentagon's favorite military recruitment program.
Speaking of local control, city voters passed Prop. V last November in favor of retaining JROTC in city schools. Note that the assumption of the BeyondChron piece is that the Pentagon is an alien force. According to the author, there is not even the possibility that serving in the US military is patriotic or has anything to do with defending the country.
Labels: BeyondChron, JROTC