Monday, October 31, 2016

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"Final Days": In the Trump bunker


Gabriel Sherman in New York magazine:

...In recent weeks, the mood at Trump Tower has veered between despair and denial—with a hit of resurgent glee when the news broke that the FBI was looking into more of Clinton’s emails. When I asked one senior Trump adviser to describe the scene inside, he responded: “Think of the bunker right before Hitler killed himself. Donald’s in denial. They’re all in denial.” (As Times columnist Ross Douthat put it, in a tweet, “In Trumpworld as Hitler’s Bunker terms,” the FBI investigation is “like when Goebbels thought FDR’s death would save the Nazi regime.”)

During our conversation, Trump sounded more like a guy who is happy to have finished his first marathon with zero training than the divisive presidential candidate who ignited the biggest cultural upheaval since 1968. And to hear him tell it, there’s only upside to come, win or lose. While Trump recently told a donor that he estimates the campaign diminished his net worth by $800 million, he says the effect is only temporary. “He believes he’ll have a full restoration of that inside of a year,” the donor said. “His view is the American public has a two-to-three-week attention span.” He may be right about that...


Pic of the Moment


Mike Luckovich
Mike Luckovich

Comment to Jonathan Chait's latest article in New York magazine (The GOP’s Age of Authoritarianism Has Only Just Begun):

Ok. I knew all this. But seeing it laid out so cleanly and beautifully is truly terrifying. This article is like some kind of mind altering drug that clears the cobwebs out, the confusion caused by the insanity of Trump and the GOP. 

Where we stood a couple of days ago was that this big authoritarian dream was not only going to be crushed, HRC was poised to take The White House in a landslide, retake the Senate, and possibly the House. 

So in steps Comey and if anyone believes it was not a deliberate attempt, as blatant as Putin's hacking, to subvert our election, I have some swamp land in FLA for you. He threw himself on his sword to save the right wing GOP, knowing it is the end of his career. He doesn't care. He hates HRC. He hates our democracy. Everything Trump's followers think they are getting is the opposite. Corruption, the elite running the show and complete contempt for democracy.

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