Saturday, February 08, 2020

Donald Trump: The gift that will keep on giving

Commentators are missing the point of the impeachment trial in the Senate and its political implications. Richard Nixon was once called the gift that keeps on giving after another nutty document was made public long after his death.

The important thing to understand about Trump and this year's political campaign: He will keep providing shameful public comments and actions until November that will keep his overall creepiness in the headlines and on cable TV.

And then there are the ongoing investigations that will provide the same information about Trump as a one-man crime wave. He cheats on his taxes, he cheats on his wives, he cheats in his businesses, and the Republican Senate just let him off after he tried to cheat in this year's election.

As Adam Schiff asked, Does anyone really think he will stop now?

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Elizabeth Warren on Gun Nut Nation

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