Friday, October 13, 2017

Atlanta: "Becoming a San Francisco, city for the wealthy"

san francisco
Reuters/Noah Berger
If you need numbers to prove affordable housing is an issue for Atlanta, you’ll get them from Georgia State professor Dan Immergluck.

He’s analyzed rents.“Over the last three years, we’ve seen rents in many neighborhoods go up 15 percent, 20 percent,” Immergluck said. “Some neighborhoods 40, 45 percent.” 

He’s followed the cost of homes: “Housing prices in the city, not near the Atlanta BeltLine, have gone up 30 percent,” from 2011-2015, he said. “Near the BeltLine, 50-55 percent.”

And he’s reviewed census data, showing over a four-year period, “the city lost over 5,000 rental units that rent for less than $750 a month.”

Immergluck can also tell you what makes these numbers pressing. 

Atlanta, he said, doesn’t have the policies to address them, like requirements for developers to build affordable units. 

“If we don’t develop those affordable housing strategies, eventually we run the risk of becoming a San Francisco,” he said. In other words, a city for the wealthy. 

Chuck Young, a developer with Prestwick Companies, doesn’t disagree. He’s seen the demand to get into one of his affordable housing developments: “For our three-bedroom units, we have a 400-family waiting list. And if I had anywhere else to send them, I would. It just doesn’t exist,” Young said.

His company can build low-cost units by using state tax credits. But he said those programs are few.

Meanwhile, construction costs have soared. “Right now, if I just went and bought a piece of property, to develop that property, you’re looking at $1,300 a month,” Young said. “And that’s as cheap as you can deliver right now.” 

To lower the rent, he said, developers will need help from the city in the form of subsidies or property tax breaks.

That is going to take money and — both Immergluck and Young acknowledge — some political will (emphasis added).

Thanks to Planetizen.


It's official: Hijacking MH370 is a success

The Plane That Wasn't There: Why We Haven't Found Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (Kindle Single) by [Wise, Jeff]

Jeff Wise on the failure to find MH370:

Three years, six months, and 26 days ago, a sophisticated hijacker (or hijackers) made of with a Malaysia Airlines 777 with 239 people aboard. In the course of doing so, he, she, or they expended considerable effort to befuddle pursuers. 

Today, that effort has officially been crowned with success. The Australian agency charged with the conducting the pursuit, the Australian Transport Safety Board, has thrown in the towel. In a final report issued today[October 3], The Operational Search for MH370, it stated that “we share your profound and prolonged grief, and deeply regret that we have not been able to locate the aircraft.”

There’s a good deal of material here–--the whole report is 440 pages long–--and I’d like to boil down the key takeaways.

As I’ve said many times before, the key clue in the disappearance of MH370 is the fact that the Satellite Data Unit–the piece of equipment which generated the all-important Inmarsat data was turned off and then back on again at 18:25. This process cannot happen accidentally, and is beyond the ken even of most experienced airline captains, and thus provides powerful evidence that the disappearance was the work of sophisticated operators. 

This document does not even mention the SDU reboot. Only by ignoring it can the ATSB maintain a state of indeterminacy as to “whether or not the loss of MH370 was the result of deliberate action by one or more individuals, or the result of a series of unforeseen events or technical failures”...

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