SF and Vision Zero: "How are we doing?"
Vision Zero |
According to the city's own numbers, the city is doing poorly, since it's made no progress in reducing traffic fatalities on our streets.
Since 2006, with annual spikes and dips, the city still averages 29 traffic fatalities every year.
After all the bike lanes installed and the aptly-named Slow Streets program, city streets are no safer.
That means San Francisco will be nowhere near zero traffic deaths in 2024---Vision Zero's goal in 2014---than it was in 2006.
Note too that 2022 was the worst year since 2007 with 37 traffic deaths, and 2023 is off to a bad start with 4 early fatalities.
See also Vision Zero crashes into reality, Vision Zero hits the wall, and City income from preying on motorists? Sorry, that's not public information!
Labels: History, Slow Streets, Traffic in SF, Vision Zero