City's Cute Movement celebrates Easter
From this morning's Chronicle:
Growing up is overrated in San Francisco, where adults act like kids whenever they get the chance. Not just on Halloween, or at Burning Man, the Edwardian Ball or the Pride Parade, but on Easter, too.
Rob's comment:
And there's also Parking Day, Bay to Breakers, the annual Pillow Fight, the Naked Bike Ride, and Critical Mass. There's a lot of participation overlap with these orgies of exhibitionism and what I call The Cute Movement.
And there's also Parking Day, Bay to Breakers, the annual Pillow Fight, the Naked Bike Ride, and Critical Mass. There's a lot of participation overlap with these orgies of exhibitionism and what I call The Cute Movement.
There's been speculation that The Cute Movement is the result of the self-esteem movement embraced by their parents, who apparently greeted every turd in the toilet bowl with oohs and aahs.
Labels: Burning Man, Critical Mass, Cute Movement