Sex, religion, and violence
Bret Stephens today:
....the idea that white supremacy is what haunts Asian-Americans rests on empirically thin ice. Like so much else in public discourse today, it’s another capital-T ideological Truth in search of lower-case-t factual truths to validate its predetermined, overstretched hypotheses.
That it has the laudable goal of “raising awareness” and “combating hate” does not relieve journalists of the responsibility to report facts scrupulously, not play to fears in the service of a higher good.
In the meantime, readers deserve to know how the perpetrator was able to buy the murder weapon on the day of his killing spree.
They ought to learn more about the religious mania that allegedly fueled his toxic anxieties.
They deserve to know just how widespread the sex trade is in massage spas, and why local authorities seem to look the other way.
And they ought to see where the evidence may yet lead, including the still-open possibility of hidden racial animus.
Labels: Atheism and Religion, Hate/Terrorism, How Religion Poisons Everything, No way to prevent this, Playing the Race Card, Punks with Guns, Racism