Sunday, August 20, 2017

Taylor Swift and what Trump brags about

From the NY Times:

Taylor Swift’s unfiltered testimony about a former radio host who she said groped her attracted a lot of notice for its directness and for the skill with which she parried his lawyer. The trial was a rare, high-profile glimpse into the dynamics of sexual assault cases...

The story includes accounts by women like Erika Rosney who've been sexually assaulted:

As a girl and younger woman, I did not recognize sexual harassment or assault as such. It’s not something we learned about in school or in my household. It wasn’t until college that I learned about it and by then there had been so many instances. It happened at work, school, social gatherings, everywhere.

Looking back on those situations as an adult, I feel humiliated. It makes my skin crawl and also makes me so sad because I did not have the tools to stick up for myself. I don’t think many girls do. I think if I had role models to demonstrate how to respond, I would have been more empowered and less ashamed.

Rob's comment:
What kind of people vote for a man who brags about doing this?

See also Who Is Killing American Women? Their Husbands And Boyfriends.


How we stop those assholes

Good advice from Kevin Drum:

The truth is that white supremacist groups are pretty small. Their views are so obviously vile that they just don’t appeal to very many people. Generally speaking, then, the answer isn’t to fight them, it’s to outnumber them. 

If they announce a rally, liberals should mount a vastly larger counter-rally and…do nothing. Just surround them peaceably and make sure the police are there to do their job if the neo-Nazi types become violent. If antifa folks show up with counter-violence in mind, surround them too.

Nonviolence isn’t the answer to everything, but it is here. The best way to fight these creeps is to take their oxygen away and suffocate them. Fighting and bloodshed get headlines, which is what they want. So shut them down with lots of people but no violence. Eventually they’ll go back to their caves and the press will get bored.

Of course, all of this depends on our president not doing anything further to support their cause. If that happens, I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks.

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