Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Coming soon to downtown San Rafael

The Novato City Council will press SMART for assurance that a countywide quiet zone would be in place before rail operations begin. At the same time, the city plans to move forward with a joint application with San Rafael for a quiet zone that includes both cities. The Novato council’s agreement Tuesday came after the San Rafael City Council on Monday expressed a willingness to help establish a single comprehensive quiet zone, as long as it does not put its residents at risk of enduring the trains’ horns when service commences. <a href="http://www.marinij.com/article/NO/20161005/NEWS/161009878">Read more about this topic</a>. (George Russell - Special to Marin Independent Journal)
Marin Independent Journal

A reader's comment to an earlier IJ story:

BTW - was driving in San Rafael yesterday heading west on 4th street just east of the rail crossing when a "practice" train came thru. The gates went down way in advance of the oncoming train which was moving very slowly. In the middle of the day, traffic backed up behind me east of the underpass toward Whole Foods before the gates went back up. Just imagine what it will be like during rush hour.

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Hillary versus The Creep

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