Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Masks and civil disobedience

Letter to the editor in today's New York Times:

To the Editor:

Akosua Barthwell Evans, a 1968 protester at Columbia, states: “Times have changed, but I have a lot of respect for the protesters who are using peaceful means to fight injustice and who have the courage to take personal risks to try to make a difference in the world” (“Witness: Portraits of the People Living the News,” Sunday Opinion, May 5).

There is no courage in hiding behind masks as many of the recent protesters have done. There is no bravery in demanding that there be no punishment for breaking the law or violating campus policies and causing many others to feel intimidated or uneasy, as so many of the recent protesters have asked for in their “demands.”

Civil disobedience means one is willing to accept the consequences for one’s actions and let the chips fall where they may.

Nathaniel Helfgot
Teaneck, N.J.


Trump wants to go to jail

Daily Kos

Kevin Drum: Does Jail await Donald Trump?

Quick question: at this point, does anyone truly think Donald Trump doesn't want to get jailed for contempt? He's obviously angling pretty hard for it, and he likely thinks it would be a big campaign boost. 

He'd be just like Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr.! The MAGA base would swoon over Donald heroically facing off with the Deep State and sticking up for his rights.

Either that or he really is literally unable to keep his yap shut. But I don't think so.

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"Obama was too Black, and Biden Is too old"

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