Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Yes, it's fascism

In the New York Times today:

To the Editor:

For years, Republicans have dominated the semantics game by labeling Democrats as socialists whenever they pass, or seek to pass, any progressive legislation from the New Deal through the Affordable Care Act and beyond. They have also labeled them as Communists, particularly during the Joe McCarthy era.

The time has arrived when Democrats need to stop playing nice and label Trump Republicans for what they truly are. They are neo-fascists. These are not traditional conservative Republicans; these are true fascists.

They believe in: 

1) a strongman, right or wrong, no matter how outrageous his lies or actions 
2) the Big Lie about election fraud 
3) white supremacy, male preferred 
4) armed insurrection if they do not get their way 
5) limits on free speech and assembly for their opponents 
6) a police state, where the police can do no wrong 
7) unlimited access to guns 
8) financial control for and on behalf of oligarchs (one-percenters whose only interest is fattening their wallets).

If this is not fascism, what is it?

Tom Barnard
Shaker Heights

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