Sunday, August 16, 2020

Louis DeJoy's tombstone

North Carolina Businessman Tapped to Head the Postal Service - WSJ
Louis DeJoy is so happy!

Louis DeJoy is happy
because he loves his new job: destroying the United States Postal Service. 

Also because he has a wife and two wonderful children, who, like all Republican children, don't need clean air and clean water.

On the sad day after their father's death, his children will of course bring flowers to his grave, where his tombstone will proudly read: "I Destroyed My Country's Post Office to Help Reelect the Worst President in United States History."

They will also take pride in the family foundation that finances the Jesse Helms Center in honor of the late senator from North Carolina who opposed black civil rights, women's rights, rights for the disabled, gay rights, abortion rights, and other liberal attempts to undermine "our nation's founding principles."

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Summing it up: Trump and the contemptible Republican Party

Kevin Drum sums it up:
This is a president who’s deliberately wrecking the post office to gain a partisan advantage over Democrats. He sent domestic troops to Portland to create chaos that would help sell his law-and-order campaign theme. He’s pulled the birther card against Barack Obama, Ted Cruz, and now Kamala Harris. He had protesters near the White House gassed so he could do a photo op. 

He pardons his pals even if they’ve committed crimes so obvious that even Bill Barr calls their prosecution righteous. He retweets lunatic QAnon conspiracies. He tried to get a foreign leader to open a criminal investigation of a political opponent. He has relentlessly tried to undermine the census. 

And he’s done all this stuff without a peep of protest from anyone in the Republican Party.
And of course he cheats at golf.

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Thanks to Huffpost.

Meadows is deploying the argumentum ad ignorantiam

The burden of proof is always on the believer, an important reminder on Sunday for believers in the major superstitions---and also the many minor ones, for that matter. It's not up to us skeptics to disprove nonsense, political or religious.

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