Saturday, February 17, 2018


Donald Trump Jr. has five children.

Contrary to Todd's claim, there is doubt about what the Second Amendment actually says, but our right-wing Supreme Court has burdened the country with a false interpretation.

Timothy Egan in today's NY Times (The Bad Parent Caucus):

“You have people who care about you, who love you, and who will do anything at all to protect you,” said Trump, in addressing the children of America. That is a flat-out lie, which is chewing gum to Trump. 

If the adults were really willing to take any measure to protect them, Trump wouldn’t have signed a bill last year making it easier for mentally ill people to get guns.

If the “people who care about you” really wanted to ensure your safety, they wouldn’t have led a filibuster in the Senate, as Mitch McConnell did in 2013, to prevent an expansion of simple background checks for purchasers of firearms.

If those “who love you” wanted to show that love, they would say something more than the platitudinous mush that came out of the mouth of the do-nothing House speaker, Paul Ryan, whose response to the latest mass killing was, “I think we need to pray.”

See also To Keep and Bear Arms by Garry Wills.

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