Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tick Tock #3

Mother Jones

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Reality-check on the bike revolution

Image result for How People Travel to Work: 2013
Who Drives to Work?

Only 0.6% in the US get to work on a bicycle. San Francisco does better than that, with 4% of commuters getting to work on a bike as of 2014 (2015 SFMTA Factsheet, page 3). 

But it took 14 years to get to 4% from 2% in 2000, in spite of continuous anti-car, pro-bike propaganda from City Hall and the Bicycle Coalition.

The annual Bicycle Count Report has morphed into a data dump instead of a succinct manual count of cyclists by actual people posted at strategic locations.

Note this too in the latest City Beat public opinion poll:
Removing traffic lanes in various locations around the city to install bike only lanes: 47% support, 46% oppose.

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Who the Repugs represent

Kevin Drum

This is who the Repugs really represent, under Trump or any other Republican president, not the crybaby white people in swing states.

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