A million here, a million there...

From a SF Chronicle story yesterday:
...Take the $1.6 billion Central Subway project. Its budget includes $942 million in federal grants, $140.5 million from the county Transportation Authority and $61.3 million from a state high-speed rail bond measure approved by voters in 2008. That money is restricted and must be spent on construction (emphasis added).
The San Francisco Transportation Authority (SFCTA) manages the city's Proposition K tax income.
For the latest numbers, see page 3 of this SFCTA document that the SFCTA provided in response to my inquiry.
For the latest numbers, see page 3 of this SFCTA document that the SFCTA provided in response to my inquiry.
Last time I looked (graphic above), the city's share for the central subway was $123,975,000, a figure that agency is still using in its documents: here and here.
Apparently the city's contribution is now $140.5 million. Maybe that's because the feds are providing less than the graphic above assumes.
Labels: Central Subway, City Government, High-Speed Rail, Muni, Rail Projects, SFCTA