"Smart[sic] Growth" and Plan Bay Area rejected in Marin

Streetsblog sneered recently when people in Marin protested a massive development in Corte Madera next to Highway 101: "Rain Won’t Stop Marin Anti-Smart Growth NIMBYs From Protesting New Apartment Buildings."
Corte Madera and other Marin residents can't stop that massive project, but they took a first step in preventing something like that happening in nearby Strawberry by successfully rejecting the Priority Development Area designation for that community:
A controversial development area designation that triggered months of heated controversy in Strawberry will be dropped while residents create a new "vision" for the community...The action was greeted by applause following a four-hour hearing, most of it devoted to testimony from nearly 60 speakers, about a fourth of the crowd that packed the chambers. Petitions signed by more than 1,600 opposing the designation were submitted, and many in the audience waved "No PDA in Strawberry" signs...
Richard Hall at Planning for Reality is good on the growing opposition to Plan Bay Area and ABAG's attempt to bring smart[sic] growth to Marin.
See Citizen Marin for more information about that opposition.
Highway 101 is already one of the most congested highways in the Bay Area.
Labels: Marin, Smart Growth, Streetsblog