"Neighborhood feedback" on Twin Peaks denied

From: Gary Russ
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020
To: District 7 Supervisor Norman Yee
Cc: Mary Miles
Subject: Unable To Comment During Virtual Public Hearing
Hello District Supervisor Yee and Clerk Of The Board Angela Calvillo:
Just want you both to know I was listening to the September 1, 2020, Public Hearing (File No. 200883) but unable to share my comments.
No matter how many times I raised my hand via the Webex system, I was not allowed to speak.
I wonder how many other people had that experience? Very frustrating.
That day I had spent a few hours boiling down my messaging for the Board to 2 minutes and then never got to present any of my comments to the Board. So disappointing and frustrating.
I was going to advocate in favor of the continuance based on my own experience with what happens when the City fails to conduct an environmental review and fails to solicit neighborhood feedback before deciding to close a street whether temporarily or even permanently.
My Best,
Gary R. Russ
Burnett Avenue North
San Francisco, CA 94131
See also How the city "improved" the Twin Peaks neighborhood, and Public Comment: The Twin Peaks Boulevard project.
Labels: Anti-Car, CEQA, City Government, Neighborhoods, Traffic in SF, Twin Peaks