Monday, November 23, 2020

Rob's comment:
Yes, they are Republicans. It's not just Trump and current Republican officials but the Republican Party's proto-fascist base that's contemptible.

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Not even close: Biden by more than 6 million votes

Trump is losing to Biden by more than 6 million votes, 6,091,883 to be exact. 

Later: Make that more than 7 million votes

Hillary only beat Trump by a mere 2,868,519 votes.

The more the American people got to know Trump the less they liked him.

In “The Art of the Comeback” in 1997, Trump said that his only regret “in the women department” was that he didn’t date Diana after her divorce. He said “she lit up the room with her charm, her presence,” and was “a dream lady.”

Dream on, Donald. Of his wooing, Diana told a friend, “He gives me the creeps.”

Di, we know how you feel.

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