Rafael Mandelman: The new RoboProg

This year Rafael Mandelman, who's running for District 8 Supervisor, is already the leading candidate to win the award.
Mandelman supported Josh Wolf, who was jailed for refusing to give the Federal Grand Jury his video of an anarchist demonstration where a city cop had his skull fractured.
Mandelman opposes JROTC in city high schools.
Mandelman supports legalizing prostitution in San Francisco.
Mandelman supports the immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.
Mandelman recently got his PC ticket punched by the bike people. [update: the SFBC's endorsement]
Mandelman is gay---District 8 includes the Castro---and president of the Harvey Milk Club. Of course being gay isn't a political choice, but District 8 Supervisor is considered a gay seat.
Mandelman isn't on record on whether cop-killer Mumia Abu Jamal should have a new trial, but maybe someone will ask him about that at the Feb. 22 candidates' forum (below in italics).
Supervisor Dufty, now District 8 Supervisor, ran with the prog lemmings on the Board of Supervisors by voting for a resolution urging the Governor of Pennsylvania to give the clearly guilty Mumia a new trial.
Join us for a Forum with 2010 District 8 Candidates for Supervisor! Come to the Harvey Milk Community Center for a forum with the 7 candidates who have filed to run for Supervisor in District 8. After hearing positions and statements from the candidates, you'll have a chance to ask your own questions. Come prepared to find out where these candidates stand on your issues.
When: February 22nd (Monday), 7-9pm
Where: Harvey Milk Community Center (50 Duboce at Scott Street)
Why? To be better informed about the Supervisorial candidates for your district. The filed candidates are: Jim Boegner, William Hernenger, Rafael Mandelman, Rebecca Prozan, Laura Spanjian, Starchild, Scott Weiner[sic]
See you there!
This event is sponsored by: Lower Haight Merchant + Neighbor Assn (LoHaMNA), Buena Vista Neighborhood Assn (BVNA), Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Assn (DTNA)
Labels: Bevan Dufty, Bicycle Coalition, Iraq, Josh Wolf, JROTC, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Rafael Mandelman, Right and Left