Saturday, March 08, 2025

Don't play dead

In yesterday's NY Times:

Letter to the Editor:

Democrats who argue for adopting the political version of Muhammad Ali’s rope-a-dope strategy really do not understand the depth of the political nihilism we face.

This administration is not concerned with losing power as long as it can dismantle the bureaucracy of the federal government before it happens. In the face of such a relentless foe, Democrats will have to stop relying on clever political strategies and show the people they are willing to fight.

To win, they must do what all oppressed people have done when searching for the means of liberation: Develop a new philosophy of resistance that provides a vision and plan for organizing people and motivating them to make the sacrifices necessary to mount a full and committed defense of our democracy.

To do anything less would be the political equivalent of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Michael Scott
San Francisco

Rob's comment:
Wrong! Here's a cliche to match Scott's Titanic cliche: No need to reinvent the wheel. Traditional ways of protesting in the US are not outdated and so far still legal: demonstrate, call your congress members, write letters, civil disobedience where/when appropriate, etc.

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