Monday, May 20, 2024

Vision Zero: How are we doing? Just average

Vision Zero

2024 Traffic Fatality Monthly Report

After ten years of Vision Zero, so far it's another average year of traffic death on the streets of San Francisco. 

Let's face it, Vision Zero is a slogan, not a realistic safety policy.

Last year's post with the same story: SF and Vision Zero: "How are we doing?"

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At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The true definition of “vision zero” is not zero death. It’s zero emissions. Also known as net zero amongst other things. The end result is zero emissions. No cars. However it’s a two tiered approach to accomplishing this bs. First is using the lie of “safety” to redesign all streets, neighborhoods and regions to accommodate less cars to save the lives of the idiots that don’t look before they cross. It’s for the “safety” of the public. Second part of the strategy is climate change and carbon emissions to get all cars off the road.

If you think about it today the earths atmosphere contains 0.04% CO2 which is 400parts per million. If that CO2 hits 0.02% or bellow plant life dies meaning life. Which would be 200 parts per million. The last ice age CO2 was at 190 parts per million. CO2 already occurs naturally and the ocean absorbs close to 30% of CO2 caused by humans. Earths surface temperature is 59 degrees Fahrenheit which is 15 degrees Celsius. They say they need to lower the temperature by 1.5 degrees Celsius which would be 34 degrees Fahrenheit. 59 degrees - 34 degrees would be 35 degrees. Your refrigerator at home is 32-35 degrees. At the same time blaming a lot of cold weather and snow on climate change.

Not trying to make a climate change debate here. Just showing to what extent they are willing to go to kill off businesses, streets, parking spots and limiting travel.

So essentially their plan is to ruin our streets forcing us to ride bikes and walk while we freeze our behinds leaving us with no small businesses or vibrant neighborhoods to visit because they enjoy the colors of red bus lanes and green bike lanes in the cold. God forbid a cow decides to fart it would cause the nice red and green paint to peel.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Vision Zero originally was all about traffic safety, not pollution. But of course zero deaths/injuries and zero emissions are both at least long-term goals.


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