Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Good news after bad

You live in a good neighborhood when you see a story like this:

In a show of unity against hatred, around 100 San Francisco residents rallied in Alamo Square this past weekend to support dog walker Terry Williams, who was the victim of two racist incidents. 

According to The Standard, Williams found a package on his porch containing a blackface doll with a noose around its neck, smeared with racist slurs, on April 26. 

The San Francisco Police Department is actively investigating the incidents as hate crimes and has yet to make any arrests....

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At 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can’t blame republicans for this one… This city is all leftists and progressives. Where’s the “outrage” and BLM protests?

At 5:02 AM, Blogger Real Estate Company In Oakville said...

The recent rally in Alamo Square is a powerful testament to the community's solidarity and resilience in the face of hate. It's heartening to see around 100 San Francisco residents come together to support Terry Williams after he endured such appalling racist incidents. The active investigation by the San Francisco Police Department underscores the seriousness of these hate crimes. This story not only highlights the ugliness of racism but also the strength and unity of a neighborhood that stands firmly against it. Thank you for shedding light on both the challenges and the incredible community response. Your coverage is deeply appreciated.


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