Saturday, May 11, 2024

13 times Trump said the coronavirus will "go away"

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At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It did go away. Turns out it wasn’t that serious. And the therapies used today that trump used back then liberals were telling out “he wants to kill people”, “horse medication”.

What happens to all of you “science deniers” and “anti vaxe” bs? Liberals yelling out get the vax and you won’t die won’t get Covid. Vaccine mandates getting people fired and extending shit downs. Republicans are the anti vax lefty ba believe in science? Those aren’t feel good facts for you to mention? Emotionally inclined? Donkeys!

At 12:14 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

It was serious a few years ago. Not as much now:

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was not that serious day one. The reason behind the shut downs was to help prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. It was only dangerous to seniors or those with seriously illnesses just as the flu would be. Liberals decided to play politics lying to everyone about the vaccine saying get vaccinated and you wouldn’t transmit the virus, you would not get the virus and so on. The death toll numbers were bullshit from day one as the news steered away from death numbers and began to talk about infections. It was not ever serious. Year by year the fake total death toll is revised and keeps dropping. It was just a simple resonators infection. Some of you donkeys still drive around solo with your mask on. Believe in the science!!! Science deniers!!!! An office with 2 people working in it being shut down but 500 people at Safeway. I guess the paint on Safeway’s walls were Covid resistant.

Trump suggested maybe ivermectin and or Hydroxychloroquine yet liberals yelling he wants to kill people. Bunch of idiots not knowing that hydroxychloroquine has been prescribed for rheumatoid arthritis for years. But it actually works just fine. Only denying going on here are donkeys denying that they’re donkeys. Please keep your mask on remaining 6 feet away from your keyboard if you plan on responding to my comment.

At 10:59 AM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

More than 500,000 "additional deaths" in the US during the pandemic.


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