Thursday, December 08, 2016

High-speed rail: Creating traffic "paralysis" on the Peninsula

Paul Jones, a mechanical and industrial engineer who was an Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and who was the principal engineer in charge of the high-speed rail design study for the high-speed train from Madrid to Barcelona, Spain, has analyzed the traffic impacts that can be expected if the High-Speed Rail Authority (partnering with Caltrain) actually constructs its proposed "Blended System" project on the Peninsula.

What is Mr. Jones' bottom line conclusion? The following quotation is from the abstract of his November 7, 2016 report, "Potential Traffic Paralysis Throughout the Peninsula: Blended Caltrain/High Speed Rail Impact on Street Traffic":

It would be fair to describe the result as a "paralysis" of traffic on the Peninsula. The only acceptable solution is to provide full grade separations at all 40 of Caltrain's grade crossings either prior to or concurrently with the introduction of Blended System service.

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