Navigation Centers: Most important issue in November
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Photo: Carlos Avila Gonzalez |
In the previous post, letters to the editor disputed the Chronicle's account of the meeting where Mayor Breed encountered neighborhood opposition to locating a Navigation Center on the Embardacero.
In the Chronicle's email feed, the editorial on the encounter was described this way: When homeless-hating San Franciscans shouted down their mayor. Neighborhood opposition to Navigation Centers is about hate?
The story online had a more restrained hed: Mayor Breed promises to push ahead with homeless shelters despite shout-down.
But the text of the editorial said that the opposition showed "the city’s intolerant side," that Breed's opponents in the meeting were "NIMBY bullies."
The text also has this:
Breed has a difficult sales job. She’s attempting to convince a well-heeled Embarcadero neighborhood to accept a 200-bed homeless facility on a city parking lot.
The proposal came with little warning or outreach, making the proposal a tougher sell.
Up until the meeting, the mayor had stayed in the background. Her decision to appear shows how invested she is in this project, which could be followed by others located around the city.
Housing and treating street homelessness can’t be confined to only a few spots in the Mission or Bayview areas. But open spots for shelters are hard to find in a dense and developed city.
Can we look forward to similar meetings in Pacific Heights, the Marina, and St. Francis Woods? Not likely, given this kind of reception when Mayor Breed is up for reelection in November. (That's also why, by the way, Scott Wiener's SB50 is unlikely to be politically acceptable to supervisors elected by district.)
Will Valle Brown, Breed's appointed successor as District 5 Supervisor, support a Navigation Center in District 5? Not surprisingly, nothing about that on her website.
According to a flyer I picked up the other day, Brown's opponent in November, Dean Preston, supports "navigation centers in every district," though I don't see any mention of the idea on his website.
District 5 voters will be interested in learning where exactly Preston thinks a Navigation Center should be located in their district.
Mayor Breed's fiasco on the Embarcadero now makes Navigation Centers an important issue in November's election.
Labels: City Government, Dean Preston, District 5, Homelessness, Language, London Breed, Neighborhoods, SF Chronicle, Vallie Brown
Living here in west soma, the nav center is just two blocks from me. Throw in the several shelters, SROs, detox/rehab center, other non-profits ...soma has MORE than its fair share of what other districts don't want. Time to spread the wealth. I am so bloody tired of my very very liberal politically correct friends living in other parts of the city talking big but not walking the talk. Take your fucking share or shut the fuck up about how you support helping the less fortunate.
Now after having said all that. My west soma neighbors support the true homeless...but with regards to street people into street drugs...either clean up or clear out of soma. We have had enough of them not respecting our neighborhood.
"I am so bloody tired of my very very liberal politically correct friends living in other parts of the city talking big but not walking the talk. Take your fucking share or shut the fuck up about how you support helping the less fortunate."
Part of the problem is the district election of supervisors. If we elected supervisors at-large, City Hall could at least try to locate Navigation Centers more fairly. As it is, the only one who's said he's willing to locate one in his district is District 5 candidate Dean Preston. He said that in a flyer I picked up off the sidewalk the other day, but that promise doesn't appear on his website. It will be interesting to see him walk that back before November.
The same goes for Scott Wiener's dense development proposal. Wiener used to be a supervisor from District 8. He never would have been elected supervisor in the first place if he proposed high-rise apartment buildings from that district. Now that he's a state senator, he can talk tough about housing, though I wonder how well that issue will work for him when he campaigns for re-election.
Yes district elections has been one hot mess. It was suppose to mean everyone area is represented, but the reality seems that it divides rather than bringing the city together to solve city wide problems.
Yes, the class of 2000---the first Board of Supervisors elected by district since the backlash after Harvey Milk and George Moscone were murdered---has been bad for the city, and I say that as a liberal.
Ranked Choice Voting is another bogus improvement to the city's political life installed by city progs.
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