Trump gave Diana "the creeps"

A New York Post story in 2015:
Donald Trump gave Princess Diana roses — and the creeps.
The tycoon pursued Di after her marriage to Prince Charles fell apart in 1992, the Sunday Times of London reported, quoting a broadcaster who interviewed both Trump and Diana at length.
“Trump clearly saw Diana as the ultimate trophy wife,” and launched a “floral bombardment” of orchids and roses on Kensington Palace from across the Atlantic, broadcaster Selina Scott said.
The attraction wasn’t mutual.
“He gives me the creeps,” Diana told her pal.
Trump would later remark after Di’s fatal car crash in 1997 that one of his biggest regrets was never having the chance to date her.
“They liked each other a lot, but nothing ever came of it,” a Trump campaign spokesperson told The Post.
Thanks to Cory Raisa's comment to Quora.
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