Trump not vindicated

...Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds.
But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy.
They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.
And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia.
None of the evidence underlying this is in dispute. No matter what Mueller report contains, a harsh verdict remains: Trump and his gang betrayed the United States in the greatest scandal in American history...
If you’re President Trump, what’s your best strategy for dealing with the Mueller report? It’s probably pretty simple:
Insist loudly that the report completely exonerates you and you’re totally in favor of releasing the whole thing.
Do not, however, actually order the report released.
Instead, leave it up to the attorney general, who will stall for weeks or months. Let him take the heat for playing bad cop.
Hope that by the time the report is finally released, Russiamania will be played out and it won’t get much play.
And guess what? So far, this is exactly what’s happening.
See also 10 takeaways from Barr’s summary of Mueller’s report.
See also 10 takeaways from Barr’s summary of Mueller’s report.
Labels: Russia, The Repugnant Party, Trump
Seems like the left is still on acid.
Just as I said in comment on a previous post:
"The next step in the democrats predictable playbook will be "oh well just because Mueller didn't find anything doesn't mean he's not guilty".
Repug contacts with the Russians are publicly documented as is Trump's obstruction of justice. That your party apparently didn't directly collaborate with the Russkies hardly exonerates their traitorous conduct. Besides, we haven't seen the Mueller report yet, just Barr's version. Recall that Barr aggressively campaigned to be Attorney General with his bizarre memo saying what Trump wanted to hear. He's now doing what he intended to do all along: help keep the contemptible Trump in office.
There's more bad news to come for Trump, since the money laundering issue will be a big story later this year as his relationship with Deutsche Bank---the only bank that would lend Trump money---and Russia is revealed.
Actually, having the jerk remain in office will be good for Democrats, since he will continue his normal behavior as a creep, a racist, a misogynist, and an all-around asshole. Whoever the Democrats nominate will win in 2020 against the worst president in US history.
"Repug contacts with the Russians are publicly documented as is Trump's obstruction of justice. That your party apparently didn't directly collaborate with the Russkies hardly exonerates their traitorous conduct. Besides, we haven't seen the Mueller report yet, just Barr's version. Recall that Barr aggressively campaigned to be Attorney General with his bizarre memo saying what Trump wanted to hear. He's now doing what he intended to do all along: help keep the contemptible Trump in office."
Meanwhile back on planet earth I have some questions.
1. Who are the republicans with the russian contacts and the illegalities?
2. All indictments from Mueller per he and the justice department had zero to do with Russia. So how do you factually with proof came to the conclusion that anybody had anything illegal with Russians?
3. I have a relationship with Wells Fargo. The only bank that gave me a home loan. Regardless of what your opinion may be. What's your point? Am I now committing crimes? Is Deutsche bank suppose to be criminal because it has a cool name?
Money laundering is a funny one.
Can you factually with proof answer those questions? I highly doubt it as you dislike anybody not on the blue side and just like to throw out opinions and name calling as though they are facts.
For god sakes man put those Frank Zappa albums away and come back down to earth.
You may live here on earth, but apparently you inhabit a parallel reality to that of the rest of us.
A quick search on Google finds the names of Trump's associates who had contact with Russia.
Ditto with a money laundering and Deutsche Bank.
Not surprising that Fox News and Breitbart don't inform you about this.
Same thing with Trump associates and indictments somehow related to Russia, mostly lying about contacts with Russians. Why would they do that?
Here's a link to the Deutsche Bank money laundering issue.
By the way, Anon, Wells Fargo is looking almost as sketchy ethically as Deutsche Bank.
Wells Fargo C.E.O. Timothy Sloan Abruptly Steps Down
Maybe you and Trump should look for new banks. Trump's problem is that no other banks want to do business with him.
1. There is no laundering. You don't become a billionaire and in the public eye for 35 years including a tv show and money launder.
2. Just like you for the simple office of city sup when you tried to run you filled out a public financial disclosure Well the same is done for the presidency. However, in case of the presidency trump financial disclosure is filed with the FEC. It investigated and reviewed by both the FEC as well as government ethics.
So this money laundering is either made up in your mind so that you can feel better. Or telling a flat out lie. You choose.
3. How do obstruct justice to a crime you didn't commit? There is no collusion. Mueller said so. There is no crime. There is no obstruction. An FBI director can be fired for any reason by the president.
These links will help you understand it better.
How the fuck do you obstruct justice on a crime that you did not commit and on an investigation that has been completed????
4. Taking a loan from a bank. Ah ok. Les burst your bubble with the L word. It's perfectly "Legal". But knowing you you will push the line that because the bank did some shady shit therefore the president must be shady. Well ok let's stick to that logic. Because there are street kids and heroin addicts in your neighborhood therefore you must be doing heroin as well or selling it to them. So based on Rob's logic and way of thinking. Rob is either a heroin addict or a drug dealer.
5. I really don't give a shit about who had any contacts with Russia. That's part of the transition team which is set up the day you become the party's nominee.
This will help educate you on that part.
If you need help with explaining the difference between government contacts and collusion let me know. I'll explain it.
17 indictments and they're all being punished for their crimes. Zero collusion. No obstruction.
The age may be getting to you. Call your doctor.
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