The Republican---and the Russian---victory with "the memo"
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Bill Clark/Congressional Quarterly/Newscom via ZUMA |
Today's NY Times:
The release of the memo mattered less than #releasethememo.
After weeks of buildup, the three-and-a-half-page document about alleged F.B.I. abuses during the 2016 presidential campaign made public on Friday was broadly greeted with criticism, including by some Republicans...
It didn’t live up to the hype.
But the campaign, captured in the hashtag #releasethememo, which was trending on Twitter for days, may have a far more significant impact than the memo’s contents. It was a choreographed effort by House Republicans and top White House officials to push a highly contentious theme — that the F.B.I. and the Justice Department abused their powers to spy on the Trump campaign, and relied on dodgy information from a former British spy paid by Democratic operatives...
Rob's comment:
May have had more impact? Of course keeping that idea the focus of media attention for weeks was the idea, not that the memo---which few people will ever read---actually contained any evidence of Justice Department bias against Trump. Hence, the Repugs essentially won with the memo kerfuffle.
And, as Senator McCain points out, his Republican Party is doing what Vladimir Putin has been trying to do: discredit and undermine American institutions and democracy.
The Republican Party, the party of treason.
See also The media couldn't get enough of the Nunes memo.
See also The media couldn't get enough of the Nunes memo.

Labels: Russia, The Repugnant Party, Trump
Yes, the Repugs are doing so well in the polls that many of them are retiring before the great Republican sweep in November, with their leader, the biggest moron and asshole who has ever occupied the White House, leading the way. Yes, the current situation, with the Repugs desperately trying to protect their asshole president, so that they can get in a few more tax cuts for their rich pals---and themselves---before the inevitable and he goes down. Before that, they will deport as many Mexicans and other immigrants as they can. If they can do it by breaking up families, all the better! Not to mention trashing the environment, allowing offshore oil drilling, allowing mining in federal parks, turning Wall Street loose after all that Communist regulation by the Obama administration, and trying to close down clinics that provide health care for women.
Yes, it's been a great year for the proto-fascist Republican Party, and the country's voters will surely show their gratitude in November.
There is a huge difference between disliking trump and the democrats fucking up. Set aside ones dislikes for trump.
What exactly have they done? Nothing. They went way too far with this collusion crap when they shouldn't have amongst other things. Then they make a huge deal about daca which is a complete waste of time.
When daca was originally created and implemented a deadline for congress to create a bill on it was in place by Obama. Knowing you needed congress obama set temporary time and then congress deals with it. That temporary time ends in march. Why make a big deal about daca? Banking on illegal aliens to vote? the whole resist movement is not as big as it was a month after the elections last year. So the resisting is not working either. They are not coming of as representatives. Its a dumb strategy.
I appreciate your unsolicited testsmony. But I don't really care about how you feel about today's government and if I may add past governments. At the moment the dems are in fact fucking up.
I don't see how the Democrats are fucking up, while Trump fucks up every day, picking unnecessary fights and making enemies. The jury is way out on the "collusion crap," since Mueller is still interviewing witnesses from the campaign. If there's nothing there, why is Trump so worried about it? He's not acting like an innocent man. If not busted for collusion with the Russians, it could be money laundering---again in collusion with the Russians. He's going down, and the Democrats---and the country---will benefit. He's already clearly committed obstruction of justice. Other charges will probably follow.
The current deadline, by the way, is Trump's doing, not Obama's. Trump didn't have the guts to make a decision last September, so he punted to Congress and set a March 5 deadline. DACA is a "big deal" for Democrats because it's cruel and pointless to punish children who came here with their parents. And of course it's a big deal to Republicans because they are cruel and stupid on the issue as they are on everything else.
Still waiting for you Trump supporters to provide some evidence that illegal aliens are voting. That's why Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million votes, right?
By the way, you can't really call the investigations into Trump a Democratic Party project, since both Robert Mueller and James Comey are Republicans, though not apparently Trump Republicans, the dumbest and nastiest of the breed.
You can fight stupid by trying harder not to be so dumb. Intelligence agencies don't convict anyone of anything. They just gather intelligence and share it with our elected leaders. They all agreed that Russia tried to influence the election, with some success among the morons, racists, misogynists, and homophobes that constitute the Repug's base.
Our intelligence agencies did in fact detect Russian activity during the election. Mueller and his team are now determining whether Trump's campaign collaborated with Russia. If so Trump and his team are guilty of treason. Mueller's team includes experts on money laundering, which is what Trump Inc. is all about.
Hillary lost to the orange-haired moron primarily because of our 18th Century election system that the Founding Fathers wrote into the Constitution, allowing a candidate who gets fewer votes that his opponent to win the election. Same thing happened in 2000, which led to the Iraq fiasco under Bush II. Great party you have there, Anon.
Had Hillary won you'd be in love with that "18th century election system" and defending with your life. But your right. The founding fathers knew a man named trump would run for president in 2018 creating a voting system to screw Hillary. (Where was this shit when Gore lost the popular vote? No cry babies?)Let's not forget this same system helped obama win. But according to you Russians convinced the state of Pennsylvania that went for obama to flip and vote for trump. How can anyone argue with that one? So what happened trump laundered extra cash to pay Russians to convince 64 million racist to vote for trump?
Great facts. "Trying harder not to be so dumb"
Fuck Bush 2. He was an idiot and hilary lost.
Seems like you get all your information from Breitbart and Fox News. Our Electoral College system was a compromise by the Founding Fathers who worried about too much democracy by directly electing presidents. There was a lot of "shit" after Gore lost to Bush in 2000, with a lot of people beginning to question a system that prevented the candidate with the most votes from winning.
Obama got almost 10 million more votes than McCain in 2008 and 5 million more votes than Romney in 2012, so the electoral system didn't allow the loser to prevail. Hillary got almost 3 million more votes than asshole did, who is now doing more damage to the country than anything since the Civil War.
You have the Russia/Trump thing backwards: after US banks cut him off, Trump turned to Russia. Mueller probably already knows all about Trump's financial relationship with Russia. Russia tried to influence the election, but it's not clear that they had any impact. The issue Mueller is investigating: whether Trump's campaign collaborated with Russia in that attempt.
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