Sunday, May 19, 2013

City Hall's campaign against cars

From: Howard Chabner
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013
To: Mayor's Disability Council
Subject: MDC 5-17-2013 Meeting, Accessible Parking, Item #7
Dear Co-Chairs James and Wilson and MDC Members:

Last week I had a delicious lunch in Dogpatch, and I picked up a copy of the Potrero Dogpatch Merchants Association Business Directory. The welcome letter from President Keith Goldstein says: “Here, you will find that the weather is sunny, the people are friendly, and that we even have abundant, free parking."

MTA can’t do anything about the weather, but if MTA has its way, parking in San Francisco will be neither abundant nor free, not for disabled people nor for the general public.

On the one hand MTA never misses an opportunity to remove street parking spaces, and in their environmental documents they claim that removing parking has no impact because, in response to fewer spaces, fewer people drive.

On the other hand MTA adds parking meters, expands payment hours, requires payment on Sundays, increases prices and increases fines, all in the name of demand management because they say demand is too great and there is shortage of parking.

Of course placard fraud should be punished and eliminated, and the DMV should only issue placards to those who are truly eligible. For example, placard renewals are sent out automatically. I have had one since 1982, and after I submitted a doctor’s note to get my first one, the renewals have come in the mail automatically every two years. I could have moved away or died (or my medical condition could have been cured!) many years ago and the renewal placards would probably still keep coming.

But accessible parking policy can’t be looked at in a vacuum---it must be considered in the context of San Francisco's campaign against cars, including removing parking spaces altogether, installing meters in residential neighborhoods, and eliminating many spaces (unmetered and metered) that have been de facto accessible, even though not designated as such (for example, the recent elimination of three blocks of parking spaces on Oak Street, and the reduction of de facto accessible spaces on JFK Drive).

To learn more about MTA’s campaign against cars, please visit:

Save Masonic:

Save Polk Street:

District 5 Diary:

Meter Madness: 

Eastern Neighborhoods United Front:

SF Park Info:

Thank you for considering this e-mail.

Howard Chabner

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At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here you go Howard...

At 5:58 PM, Anonymous rocky's dad said...

The placard abuse has to end, and the only way to end it is to start charging for parking for placard holders.

I find it very amusing that Chabner can go to the BoS to bitch about cyclists, parking regulations, and everything under the sun, but yet he holds on to his dearly beloved privilege to park for free in spots in the city that have been metered forever.

Every time I see a person get out of a car with a placard, the person getting out of the car is clearly not disabled. "Oh, but my disability is invisible" they claim. Bullshit! If there were more members of the Greatest Generation alive - people who at this point probably have a legitimate need for a disabled placard - they would slap these silly sandbaggers on the side of the face and tell them to harden the hell up! And PAY for their stay in metered zones!

We need to END free parking for the disabled placards which are 99% fraudulent. Even Chabner himself admits that he has had to go under ZERO means testing to re-prove his disability while he enjoys free parking at the expense of MUNI riders throughout the city who struggle to pay bus fare while he parks for FREE!


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