Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Proposition U: Moral narcissism by city progs

Dear Tom,

I think Proposition U (below in italics) is nothing but another misguided San Francisco anti-war measure that will be rightly ignored by our government and quickly forgotten even by those who vote for it. Now that we are on the verge of a stable Iraq, it would be particularly stupid to pull the rug out from under our military. Fortunately, that's not going to happen because Representative Pelosi and the leadership of the national Democratic Party have more sense than those currently in charge of the city's Democratic Party. I'm sure you can get my District 5 opponent, Supervisor Mirkarimi, to endorse this ill-conceived and empty exercise in knee-jerk anti-war sentiment.

I recommend for your consideration a recent report from Iraq that analyzes the situation in that country in some depth:

If the prognosis in Iraq were hopelessly grim, it might make sense for the United States to threaten withdrawal, hold its breath, and hope for the best. But the prognosis is now much more promising than it has been in years, making a threat of withdrawal far from necessary. With a degree of patience, the United States can build on a pattern of positive change in Iraq that offers it a chance to draw down troops soon without giving up hope for sustained stability. The last 18 months have brought major changes in the underlying strategic calculus facing Iraq's main combatants---undermining the Sunni insurgency, weakening the Shiite militias, severely degrading al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), strengthening the Iraqi security forces (ISF), and creating new, more positive political dynamics and incentives.

And here's a nice description of the kind of SF progressive who will vote for Prop. U:

It's not that they have something against Iraq or Iraqis. Western Leftists are narcissists. It is all about them. It is all about their need to feel morally superior to everyone else. Iraqis are simply props. They don't care about you[Iraqis]. They deny your essence as a human being. All that matters to the Western Leftist is their own feelings of their own moral superiority.

Rob Anderson

Dear Rob,

I write to request that you join the San Francisco Democratic Party and the San Francisco Labor Council in endorsing San Francisco's Proposition U:

"It is the Policy of the people of the City and County of San Francisco that:

Its elected representatives in the United States Senate and House of Representatives should vote against any further funding for the deployment of United States Armed Forces in Iraq, with the exception of funds specifically earmarked to provide for their safe and orderly withdrawal. It is the Policy of the people of the City and County of San Francisco that:

Its elected representatives in the United States Senate and House of Representatives should vote against any further funding for the deployment of United States Armed Forces in Iraq, with the exception of funds specifically earmarked to provide for their safe and orderly withdrawal."

You may also learn more about it at our website

We would be most grateful for your support.

Tom Gallagher

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