Recall Supervisor Engardio?
San Francisco Public Press |
The issue that I and other residents of the Sunset and Richmond districts have with the Sunset supervisor[Joel Engardio] is that, while his conduct did not rise to the standard of a “serious ethical breach” by legal standards, it does meet the standard of ignoring the constituents you were elected to represent.
He could have supported the compromise (as he stated he would time and time again when he was running for office) that the supervisor in the Richmond District supported.
The great majority of the residents of the Sunset and Richmond districts who are behind the recall are not “petulant” nor are we seeking revenge. What we would like to see is politicians held accountable to their constituents for their conduct. I voted for him and donated to his campaign. He’s a nice guy. I will vote for his recall and give money to support the recall. This is just the business of politics!
Underlying this divide are the bigger issues: Values. Sunset and Richmond residents want to raise their families in their neighborhood, go to the schools they choose, go to the churches they support. They are not YIMBYs or bike coalition proponents. We are not going to apologize for espousing middle class values. Most of us are fairly well educated and pragmatic---hence willing to compromise.
Labels: City Hall, Engardio, Neighborhoods
Spoiled babies who lost the election can't stand to see people enjoying a public park.
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