Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kamala Harris is "untested"?

In today's New York Times:

To the Editor:

Re “Daffy Donald, Turning Pea Green With Envy,” by Maureen Dowd (column, Aug. 25):

In her most recent column, which I found to be, for the most part, entertaining, Maureen Dowd inexplicably writes, “Now we begin what is going to be a very ugly slugfest between the Unserious Man and the Untested Woman.” 

“Untested”?! How much more “tested” do you need to be than prosecutor, state attorney general, U.S. senator and vice president?

When will women finally not need to work harder, run faster in high heels and be infinitely more qualified than their male counterparts?

While Donald Trump makes a regular habit of babbling incoherently in public, Ms. Dowd wonders if the Democratic nominee will “manage to get through a minimum of policy stuff with no viral blunders.”

Personally, as a woman who spent 30 years working in a male-dominated field, I trust that Kamala Harris will continue to go above and beyond in anything she takes on, including the presidency of the United States.

Linda Folk
Vallejo, Calif.

Rob's comment:
Yes, and Trump has already been "tested" and rejected by voters. 

See also Project 2025.

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