Thursday, July 18, 2024

Guess which party supported the US invasion of Iraq?

On the other hand, Trump wants to abandon Ukraine.

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At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump was always against the Iraq war way before he got into politics. I’m against any wars. That being said guess which party bombed Libya? Guess which party supported going into Syria? Is Biden or democrats looking for peace in Ukraine? That’s ok because it’s democrats starting and supporting them correct? You were donkeys in 1828 and your still donkeys today.

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

War for the US has always been a bipartisan project with mixed results: World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq.
Ukraine? US policy in Ukraine was/is a legitimate response to Russia's invasion of that country.
US involvement in Vietnam began while it was still a French colony to prevent Ho Chi Minh and a nationalist communist movement from taking over the country. As an old man, I can remember how grotesque the anti-communist fervor became in the 1950s, with anti-communism lectures when I was in grade school.
The big difference now is that few Americans are supporting deploying US troops to get involved anywhere, which is a positive development.

At 9:09 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

What about George W. Bush and Iraq? The war business always seems to be a bipartisan project.


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