Saturday, March 23, 2024

Republicans: Same old crap

Kevin Drum on the Republican Party:

The Republican Study Committee—which includes nearly every Republican in Congress—released its latest budget proposal today. 

It's getting a lot of attention on Twitter because it includes cuts to Social Security even though Republicans have spent the past year angrily denying Democratic claims that they plan to cut Social Security.

But that's not what struck me. After browsing through it, it's clear that it's just a recitation of greatest hits:
  • Cut the pay of federal workers and make it easier to fire them
  • Reduce funding for the EPA, SEC, FTC, NLRB, OSHA, and presumably any other agency that annoys the business community
  • Raise the Social Security retirement age even more
  • Block grants for Medicaid
  • A big pile o' deregulation proposals
  • Drill baby drill
  • Welfare reform cuts
  • Fight waste fraud 'n abuse
  • Defund the IRS
  • Eliminate the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
  • Tax cuts for businesses and the rich
  • Eliminate the estate tax
  • Convert SNAP into a block grant
  • More defense spending
  • Health Savings Accounts
  • Premium support for Medicare
  • Block grant SSI
  • Balanced budget amendment
  • Make tax increases essentially impossible
  • Kill Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
  • Eliminate climate funding wherever it's hiding
Rob's comment:
Republicans can't help it. That's just who they are, who they have always been!  Which is why I never vote for Republicans for anything.

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At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So supposedly this budget is so bad and was passed by republicans the most evil people planet correct? It’s so terrible that 185 democrats voted yes while only 101 republicans voted yes. Blaming the wrong side as always.

At 2:02 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

The budget was apparently the best that could be done in the circumstances. Republicans have a majority in the House, but more Democrats voted for it than Republicans. Why is that? Because Democrats, being more or less reality-based, understood that the country needs a budget to avoid a government shutdown. Some Republicans, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, would rather make a crackpot political point instead of governing the country.

At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let’s be honest here. In an election here democrats would play politics in an election year and use the budget against republicans yelling out they did nit want a budget, don’t care and are going to shut the government down. It happens every single time except in this case. There was zero grandstanding or complaints in the media by democrats about this budget. Which proves democrats liked everything in it and supported it. Not choosing sides here but democrats are always yelling and blaming republicans for every single gov shut down and budget. This time complete silence. Just a game.

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

No, it just shows that Democrats thought it was the best they could do in the circumstances, not that they liked all of it. When does either party get everything it wants? Playing politics? Budgets are intrincially political documents and come out of the political preocess.
There was no serious Repblican threats of a government shutdown, probably because they understand that actually shutting down the government is unpopular and even threatening to do so and not doing it only makes them look silly.


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