Tuesday, July 11, 2023

This massive development will damage the city


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At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will be built regardless of pubic input. Density is part of climate change. Stacking and packing like sardines supposedly has an impact on “climate change”. But them being packed in like that has its toll on health, safety and hygiene and that bullshit argument gets thrown out the window. Now they say by 2070 San Francisco temperature will rise by 7 degrees along with the temperature of the planet regardless of the fact that earths temperatures has gone down over the years. Channel 5 can’t tell you what the weather will be like tomorrow with all the satellites yet all of the climate folks amazingly can predict what the weather will be like in 50 years. A bunch of suckers.

2021 first half about density. Second half about zero emissions AKA vision zero


2009 United Nations
“The dense concentration of urban populations can increase susceptibility to the disasters that are likely to become more frequent and more intense”


Page 38


Lack of affordable housing a cause of climate change. Yep.. build more housing to stop the see from rising.


Supposedly commercial buildings reduced their emissions by 71% And the entire city of SF by 48%. So why are we still worried?


All bullshit. Who’s making the money and becoming more powerful off of climate change? That’s the question that should be asked. More people on this planet die from heart disease and cancer on the planet than any natural disaster including drowning and “collisions” caused by those evil cars. They’re all nice and quiet about that at the same time selling climate change to the public like it’s the next new iPhone or the next amazing new Mercedes. We were supposedly going not be able to breathe or drink water in the 70s and 80s, burn up or freeze in the 90s and early 2000s, and today we will be drowning. Well fuck off. I can swim.

At 3:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On an island that’s supposed to buried under water in 17 years.


At 11:18 AM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

See this also:

At 8:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Summer has always been the hottest time of the year. They’re playing words here. A normal hot summer is now “extreme heat” just as rainfall has gone from heavy rain to El Niño now an “atmospheric river” whatever the hell that means.
So it’s not enough rain, too much rain, too cold, too hot, and too many fires. This is what we call science? Sounds to me like normal weather cycles, a match, and a cigarette.

At 11:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it extreme heat or extreme cold?



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