Friday, May 12, 2023

Torturing pigs for food and profit

From Daily Kos:

....Americans have a bifurcated view of animals. The public was horrified when it emerged NFL QB Michael Vick enjoyed betting on dogs ripping each other apart. The news that hundreds of dogs died during Dr. Oz’s experiments has hurt him badly. And most Americans think that the Asian custom of eating dogs is barbaric.

But these same warm-hearted people are uninterested in the pig's journey from birth to plate.

Why? Pigs are intelligent and affectionate. They have the same range of emotions as the family dog. And they equally feel pleasure and pain. Why are we indifferent to their lives of unrelenting misery and torture?

....breeding pigs are in cages so tiny they cannot even stand or turn around? What kind of sick bastard can run a business that does that to sentient beings?

....complying will increase costs by 9%. For starters, that is the industry number. I am sure the actual imposition is less than half of that. Why not conduct a poll and ask people if they would pay 4% more for humanely raised pigs?

....Pork producers are already getting away with not paying for the cost of treating pig waste. On average, a sow produces 44 times more feces than a human - about 11 pounds daily. Unlike human waste, farmers do not have to process pig effluence through a waste treatment plant.

Some hog facilities are home to 10,000 sows. This means that there are pig farms with the equivalent waste production of a city of 440,000 people — which stash that shit wherever. And that does not include the waste produced by the piglets destined for the dinner plate.

Industrial Food has confessed to torturing animals. Not that they have said, “we torture animals.” They have admitted their guilt by lobbying for “ag-gag” laws. These laws — pushed by their enablers in sadism, the GOP — make it a crime for people, whistle blowers and animal activists, to video the abusive practices of slaughterhouses and factory farms and show it to the general public.

Corporate farm operators know their horrific treatment of billions of animals would revulse the public.

I realize that Americans have come to expect their food to be cheap. But as the explosive growth in dining out and ordering in has shown, they will spend far more to eat than they need to.

If meat costs a little more because it comes from an animal that could walk around and act in the way God created them, so be it. And anyone who disagrees with that should go sit in a small cage for a while and reflect on their inhumanity.

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At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

California purchases 99.7% of its pork out of state. Produces only 0.3% in state. A pound of bacon doesn’t cost a “little more”. It costs 52% more. Anyway the state of California doesn’t really care about pigs as much as they care about banning them for their farts and uprooting soil. The state only uses animal cruelty as the excuse identical to using a person running into the street without looking and getting hit as an excuse to ban cars.

Cows obviously will be next on the meat list. Many foods have already been banned because of certain ingredients and the cancer risk ignoring the fact that all humans have a cancer risk just for being alive. A lot more to come as an assembly bill is being worked through the state legislature as we speak these days. “Cancer risk” is just the excuse.real reason behind it is their “carbon emissions” during manufacturing so they say. On one hand this dumb state and local governments want to save your life by taking away your skittles and save you from sea level rise and drowning while encouraging you to jump into the streets in the middle of traffic and wanting to assist you with suicide.

Everything California state and local governments have done and wanting to do with how you live your life driving, eat, buses, and take a shit, raise taxes and so on safety and health has always been the excuse.

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Can't think of a single food that has been "banned." Doctors and relevant government agencies try to warn us out health hazards, but it's up to us to take good advice. No one really needs to eat meat to be healthy. And raising pigs more humanely will only make pork more expensive.

Seat belts have saved lives and serious injuries, right? I'm old enough to remember the TV ads with actors in white posing as doctors selling cigarettes.

I don't buy your argument that justifies pointless cruelty to animals and ignorance about corporate health risks to people, not to mention the future of the planet.

At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Seat belts have saved lives”

Bike lanes have not and eating pork does not kill you.

I wouldn’t mind if it was only advice. What I have a serious problem with is dictating what you eat, buy, wear, how to travel and do on.

Most people aren’t aware of the foods that have banned. They will be when some sodas tortillas breads pop tarts some cereals and a list of other foods are missing off the shelves.

AB 418

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

No way to prove that bike lanes have saved lives, but bike lanes separated from car traffic surely makes cycling safer. No one is actually "dictating" "what you eat, buy, wear, how to travel." Please provide some examples of that, including the preposterous claim that foods have been "banned."

At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“preposterous” - a word morons use when they don’t know shit.

An example of dictating how you travel?? Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you man? You just enjoy trying to tell people they’re wrong out of your ass? San Francisco is a perfect example of how they’re dictating how you travel let alone the state of California with that dumb bullet train and forcing people into EVs. You post about this crap religiously on this blog and you ask for an example? What a monkey.

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

The burden of proof is on you to support your claims. Yes, I've posted a lot about the implausible high-speed rail project that can only be sensible if/when we make a big breakthrough on energy to support an electric system.

You can travel in SF any way you want---or can. We have a pretty good public transportation system, and cars---elctric or otherwise---are still popular and used more and more. A lot of people ride bikes and electric scooters, which are intrinsically too dangerous for me, but they are a low-cost option.

I walk or use Muni to get around here in the city, which I find practical.


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