Thursday, March 10, 2022

Gas prices: 1950-2020

Kevin Drum

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At 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simple math
2019 no Biden oil $57 a barrel
2022 with Biden $109 a barrel.

To use a chart dating back to the 50s is a bit dishonest. Back in the 50s less oil and gas being used including less cars on the road. Back in the 50s no over printing of free money handed out to people to stay home. There was no quadruple government overspending on dumb projects.

Then you have illegal immigrants. It’s not the immigrants but it’s the illegal that’s the problem. You can use California. Say you have a population of 2 in California. Both working and paying taxes say $10 every paycheck. That goes towards their social security/medical in the future, schools and so on. Now two illegals walk in and they’re given free housing, medical and free school. Now the California population of 2 have to cover it. Their $10 in taxes now becomes $20. All of a sudden more illegals coming in and it gets out of control. Population paying taxes pays more. They state falls behind goes into debt to cover all of the free costs. Next thing you know they raise the min wage to make more payroll taxes, raise gas tax while making it difficult for oil companies to sell gas then ask for extra funding for dumb transportation projects and so on. At the end everything goes bust.

At the end of the day if a manager believes only spending more money can fix things that’s a bad manager. Currently democrats have over a 30 years history of bad management. If it continues a loaf of bread will reach $8. I wonder what the democrat argument supporting low income families will be if that happens.


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