Thursday, February 24, 2022

Republicans love Trump---and Putin

Most Republicans remain cultishly devoted to defeated former president Donald Trump, even as he openly praises Vladimir Putin for dismembering Ukraine, a democratic ally. 

Imagine a leader of an American party praising the Soviets as their troops crushed the Hungarian uprising in 1956.

Trump has never stopped rooting for and genuflecting to Putin — not when he sided with Putin’s lies over U.S. intelligence on election interference; not when he echoed Russian propaganda on its invasion of Crimea; not when he diminished the murder of Russian journalists. 

So perhaps it should not be shocking that he remains infatuated with Putin as the Russian dictator wages a war of aggression unlike anything we have seen since World War II.

Many Republicans have absorbed Trump’s reverence for authoritarians. Others refuse to denounce him, apparently more concerned about not offending Trump than about supporting democratic allies in Europe. Will they keep this up as the casualties pile up? Once Kyiv is reduced to rubble?....

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At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Russia invaded Ukraine under Biden not Trump. Maybe you go ask Biden for specifics about his harsh sanctions as he has not sanctioned Russo’s gas and oil main source of income.

At 10:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First things first send in Trump to destroy America and then invade Ukraine. Like the Vikings pillage first then burn.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

On the other hand, US conservatives like Putin:

At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what exactly has Biden done not to destroy America?

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Russia is invading Ukraine, not the US. Please also tell us exactly how Biden is destroying America.

At 2:20 PM, Anonymous Tom said...

Nothing left to destroy. America is finished. I can't decide if Obama was our last President or Trump.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Tom said...

I wish what you said was true but I don't think it is. I don't think we can fix what happened after Trumps election in 2016 or neither of us will live long enough to see it. Just like you'll never get over JFKs assassination. The two events are kind of similar and both involve a moron being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

At 11:52 AM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

This is a muddle. We can more or less "fix" Trumpism by rejecting it and Republicans at every opportunity. I'm "over" JFK's assassination just like I'm "over" Lincoln's assassination, though both are historical events that still reverberate.

Not clear who you're referring to with "moron." John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald? What those men lacked was not intelligence but a twisted sense of history and political morality.

At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Tom said...

You admit Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy! I was actually talking about Oswald and Trump both (in my opinion) deeply flawed and disturbed human beings stumbling upon opportunities to get back at all of the wrongs they felt they had endured. Oswald was a good shot and got a job shortly before Kennedys visit to Dallas in the perfect place to carry off the assassination that would make him finally famous. Trump is a sociopath who was born into inherited money but could never buy the respect he felt he was entitled to even after he got himself elected President of the United States. You're a gifted writer with one of the better blogs on the internet I've followed you for years and agree with you on just about everything. Keep writing and thanks.

At 6:33 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

No, I'm not convinced that Oswald killed JFK---or at least that he did it alone. See The assassination of JFK: Case not closed.

Actually, Oswald's marksmanship was dubious, and as I point out in the article linked above, there were at least two shooters, one from the front and one from behind.

Our problem now is the apparently disturbed guy in charge of Russia. Russia's invasion of Ukraine is so stupid I wonder if Putin is in fact deranged. There is no way that could have been successful. Even the 200,000 pre-invasion troops Putin had poised on the border wouldn't be enough to both overthrow that government and essentially occupy a country of 41 million people.

I wonder what the Russian generals are thinking about this doomed policy? Best case scenario for the world: a coup in Russia that overthrows the Putin regime.

At 1:20 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

See also this.


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