Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Colin Powell was no hero

The gushing tributes to Colin Powell are way over the top. Everyone in the political establishment apparently agrees that he was a hero.

On the other hand, he supported both the attack on/invasion of Vietnam and the attack on/invasion of Iraq, both wars of bipartisan consensus. 

Both were also wars on third world countries waged by the world's greatest military power. Hard to detect any heroism in that.

Instead, Powell can be seen as a war criminal responsible for his part in the deaths of uncounted people in those countries, not to mention the US service members who died in those wars of aggression.

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At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be fair.
Powell was pushed Into that UN speech with limited intelligence Even called the neocons fucking crazy. He was used by Bush and Cheney. When they were done with him Bush forced him to resign a year later. In support for Bush’s invasion his support was of one supporting their president. Powell was actually in support of a diplomatic solution.

At 11:28 AM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Allowing yourself to be "used" politically by poor leadership in a bad cause is not heroic. "Bush's invasion" became Powell's invasion after that UN speech. And what about Vietnam and that he opposed gays in the military under President Clinton?

Instead of going public, Powell's private doubts on bad policies is not only unheroic but it actually damaged the country and got a lot of people killed.

But that's what dedicating your career to the establshment requires, not heroism however defined.

At 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ Instead of going public”

It’s called executive privilege.

But I’m sure you supported Obama’s heroic bombing of Libya and Superman Biden’s Afghanistan mission.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Obama admits that bombing Libya was a failureand a mistake.

No one has ever likened Biden to a superman about Afghanistan or anything else. Not clear what you're referring to. The way the US pulled out of Afghanistan?


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