Saturday, May 22, 2021

Vision Zero update

I don't know the provenance of this graph.
Rob's comment:
We---that is, San Francisco---may actually be doing worse on traffic fatalities than we usually do if the graph on top is more accurate than the city's how-are-we-doing graph. 

The Vision Zero slogan/fantasy to end fatalities in 2024 was adopted in 2014.

See Vision Zero crashes into reality for political/historical context of the Vision Zero slogan.

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At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My theory on why there are so many collisions with/near misses of pedestrians (and other vehicles) and why Vision 0 is a long way from being realized:
With more and more congestion evident in the City including cars remaining in the box at intersections, with stop signs/controlled intersections abundant in our largely grid-oriented City--drivers are "stressed" by not making that light, because of longer queues, so they try for an "advantage" wherever they can. Or they encounter stop sign after stop sign (and well they should). Impatience takes hold and so they gun it through intersections, or they glide right and don't pay attention to that pedestrian who is legally crossing one of 2 ways. Or they assume that there isn't going to be a pedestrian in their path. Also, everyone now knows that for 2 or 3 decades, lights have been timed with a delay, so that the green doesn't appear until a few seconds after the red (in the other direction). So drivers feel that they can safely go through late yellows and early reds. Add to that the distraction of looking at cell phones (isn't everybody now supposed to have their phones at least mounted on their dashes when driving??)and an expanding and excessive delivery culture that causes deliverers to speed up their appointed rounds.


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