Thursday, March 18, 2021

FBI's new videos of Capitol attack

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At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So another cell phone video of the capital. FBI has already states it was planned days ahead, it was ordinated, it started while trump was still making his speech.

Not to mention the speaker of the house pelosi who is in charge of security at the capital not wanting extra security or national guard at the cApital prior to that day.

The same speaker of the house that told capital security to stand down letting in protestors during the supreme hearings. There is no such thing as an UNARMED insurrection. But I can see now the media have tossed in a curve ball and have begun calling it a capital riot. Had no choice after FBI reports. However ironically pelosi Who did not want security when millions of people would be out there now all of a sudden is willing to keep the “storm troopers” there now when no one is around. Indefinitely M. On Jan 6th she hated the astetics.

At 1:14 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

You mean it was all Pelosi's fault? Living in that right-wing political bubble isn't providing your brain with enough oxygen.

The Speaker of the House in fact has no direct control of Capitol security. Nor did Pelosi reject extra security for the Capitol on January 6.

Apparently the Pentagon was responsible for delaying deployment of the National Guard that day.

Unless you insist that "armed" must mean guns, the neo-fascist rioters were well armed:
"A review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs."

Otherwise you got it just right.

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. No flagpoles wielded as clubs. Punks starting trouble at the capitol way before Trump ever finished his speech is not an armed insurrection. 5 people were killed. 4 Trump supporters and a capitol police officer dying from a stroke.

The pentagon delayed nothing. Pelosi didn’t want the extra security and in fact turned down the offer of national guard days before. The pentagon has nothing to do with capitol security. Back up wasn’t even called. Speaker of the house is in charge of security at the capitol period.

Throw all of your bullshit fascist words all you want. Means nothing just a reflection of you and the rest of the democrats. No one cares about the opinionated one sided articles you have linked in your comments.

The only thing that matters are the FBI reports which are actually real investigations and not your dumb shit. Also look up the full statement of the ex capitol police captain/chief. She flat out states Pelosi didn’t want the extra security and took her time responding.

Again no one called it an insurrection when a bunch of people stormed the Supreme Court hearings with their flag poles.

Fascism is the democrats canceling everyone that doesn’t agree with them. Fascism is the democrats fortifying the capitol for like the green zone in Iraq Until this day. That’s what dictators do. And who’s ordered them to build a fence and stay this long? Pelosi. So stick it.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Rob Anderson said...

Yes, of course Pelosi is the villain as per the right-wing info bubble where you live, but you still haven't provided any real evidence for the slur, not even a link to the statement by that "ex capitol police captain/chief."

Well, which was it? Was she a captain or a chief?


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